Donate to City Green today because we know what we can achieve by working together.

Donate to City Green today because we know what we can achieve by working together. image

For over twenty years City Green has been growing healthy cities!

Since our very first community garden in 2004, it's amazing to see how far we've come. With your generous support City Green has been able to mobilize volunteers and garden leaders to take part a regional movement to garden and grow food sustainably.

We can't do this without you! Pledge your support to City Green Today! With your donation, we can keep growing to make sure that all of our neighbors can grow and enjoy healthy cities!

Your donation to City Green works to:

  • Expand community gardens, bringing neighbors together
  • Provide farm-fresh veggies to families who need it most
  • Support our regenerative and sustainable farm practices
  • Empower future generations through hands-on garden education

An organization you can trust... City Green enjoys the gold star rating from the non-profit transparency and responsibility watch dog GuideStar. Visit their website to learn how our gold star rating means you can trust that our organization is make the most of every dollar we receive. We are proud to have this esteemed recognition.

Don't forget... to inquire with your employer about their matching program. Many companies offer their employees incentives and benefits when employees donate to their favorite organizations. Ask your HR department today if your company has a gift or match program.

Thank you for your generous support!